A Path Less Traveled
By Cathy Bryant
Trish James is tired of being rescued. When a spooked horse claims her husband's life, she’s determined to blaze a path for herself and her traumatized son without outside help. But will that mean leaving the place etched on her heart?
Andy Tyler has had to struggle for everything, and starting a new law practice in Miller's Creek, Texas is no different. Though prepared for business challenges, he's not prepared for falling in love--especially with yet another woman who will probably abandon him for her career.
Will Andy and Trish be able to see past their limited human understanding to take . . .
A Path Less Traveled?
To read the first chapter:
"This book was totally and completely enjoyable to read. I received the book on Friday and finished reading it on Sunday. I could hardly put it down. The storyline is very well written and grabbed my attention in the first chapter and never let me go....One of my favorite lines in the book is this: 'God doesn't waste any hurt you endure, Trish. What he allows into your life--even something as painful as Doc's death--He'll use for the days ahead...' I believe this is so true and have seen it played out in my life. I love it when I can read a really good fiction book and learn more about my relationship with Christ. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a good story to read. I can't wait until Book 3 in the series comes out next year."
~Cathy at Tales of the TCKK Family
~Cathy at Tales of the TCKK Family
"...Cathy Bryant weaves an amazing story. She has a maturity in her writing skill that astounds me for only having two published novels. A Path Less Traveled is a must read. Cathy realistically captures the struggle of the heart." ~ Linnette at Linnette's Writing Corner
Cathy Bryant is a former public school teacher who handed in her chalk for a private music studio and writing career. Her passion is to write heart-stirring stories that show God’s life-changing grace. Cathy is the owner of the popular blog, WordVessel, and has written devotions for The Upper Room magazine, two devotional books, and online devotional sites. She’s the wife of a music minister, the mother of two grown sons and a beautiful daughter-in-love, and the Nana of Harrisen. A Texas gal since birth, she lives in a century-old Texas farmhouse with her husband and a phobia-ridden cat.
Texas Roads (her debut novel and a 2009 ACFW Genesis finalist) released in March 2010. The second Miller’s Creek novel, A Path Less Traveled, was launched in November 2010. The Way of Grace will be available in 2011.
OK, so now about the giveaways and blogger bonus'
AKA the good stuff, lol ;)
Note/Disclosure: I mostly took these words directly from Cathy's website verbatim and changed the "I's" to "She's" and things like that, etc. and added a few extra things of my own to get the point across!!
For the actual directions on how to participate you can just go here.
AKA the good stuff, lol ;)
Note/Disclosure: I mostly took these words directly from Cathy's website verbatim and changed the "I's" to "She's" and things like that, etc. and added a few extra things of my own to get the point across!!
For the actual directions on how to participate you can just go here.
In celebration of the book's launch, Cathy will be giving away a print copy and an e-copy of A Path Less Traveled for every 20 comments (by different people) on her post at WordVessel. (Please include a way for her to contact you in case your name is drawn as the winner.)
Please send your friends her way since the number of winners increases with the number of comments. (She'd love to give away a gazillion copies! Okay...maybe that's exaggerating a wee bit, since that would cost more than a gazillion dollars, which even if she has, she probably doesn't want to spend on us.) ;0)
I kind of think it's suppose to be the other way around...lol ;)
Blogger's Bonus: In addition, for every 20 bloggers who take this information from her site and post it to their blog including the cover and book trailer (then pastes the link in the comments section), She will be drawing (using random.org as usual) names for $25 gift cards. (20 bloggers = 1 gift card winner, 40 bloggers = 2 gift card winners, etc.)
NOTE: If you don't have a blog, but would like to participate in the Blogger's Bonus you can post the information in the Notes tab of your Facebook profile and leave the link in the comments section.
Isn't that so generous of her not to leave the non-bloggers out :) I just love that! And I'm pretty sure all you non-bloggers will too ;)
These drawings are for US/Canada only, and will last until November 30, 2010. Cathy will announce the winners at WordVessel on Friday, December 3, 2010. And, as always she is looking forward to all or our wonderful comments! =)
And please help out by spreading the word :)
Who knows, you might even get lucky and win in the process!!

Please send your friends her way since the number of winners increases with the number of comments. (She'd love to give away a gazillion copies! Okay...maybe that's exaggerating a wee bit, since that would cost more than a gazillion dollars, which even if she has, she probably doesn't want to spend on us.) ;0)
I kind of think it's suppose to be the other way around...lol ;)
Blogger's Bonus: In addition, for every 20 bloggers who take this information from her site and post it to their blog including the cover and book trailer (then pastes the link in the comments section), She will be drawing (using random.org as usual) names for $25 gift cards. (20 bloggers = 1 gift card winner, 40 bloggers = 2 gift card winners, etc.)
NOTE: If you don't have a blog, but would like to participate in the Blogger's Bonus you can post the information in the Notes tab of your Facebook profile and leave the link in the comments section.
Isn't that so generous of her not to leave the non-bloggers out :) I just love that! And I'm pretty sure all you non-bloggers will too ;)
These drawings are for US/Canada only, and will last until November 30, 2010. Cathy will announce the winners at WordVessel on Friday, December 3, 2010. And, as always she is looking forward to all or our wonderful comments! =)
And please help out by spreading the word :)
Who knows, you might even get lucky and win in the process!!

Thanks for posting this, Steph! =)