Monday, January 24, 2011

The beauty of white....

Can be found here.

This week the color is WHITE.

My photos for white are:

These are both of my daughter, Rachel.
She is a model, and these are a couple of shots from one of her shoots.
They are the only photos I could find right now that had white in them :)
But I have so much fun with these memes,
so, it is what it is!!

Have an absolutely COLORFUL week!!


  1. Hey thanks for letting me know about the link issue. Ive got the you tube codes now so ive embedded it in the post should you wish to go see it. This is a short part of the interview - the intervrew link ended? But i got the interview on radio with transcribe. So you can listen to all the interview, and watch highlights. Up to you. Shah. Oh and I'm following here now too. ;)X

  2. nice i like white but white doesn't like me if a wear it i tend to spill on it

  3. Beautiful young woman..
    I only look good in white if I have a tan.. if not, well look kinda pasty..LOL!!

  4. Your daughter is very pretty! :)
